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Seminar. History of cultural democratization


  • Re-reading the history of cultural democratization [read more]
    Philippe POIRRIER (professor in History at Université de Bourgogne)

Democracy in the Republic (19th-20th C)

  • Cultural action and developing brotherhood [read more]
    Isabelle MATHIEU (researcher at Université de Bourgogne)
  • History of theater for the people: cultural democratization at the inception of the French nation (19th – 20th C) [read more]
    Marion DENIZOT (Lecturer at Université de Rennes 2)

Studies on cultural practices and their reception

  • The episteme of the Pratiques culturelles survey in France: materialist practices and humanist culture [read more]
    Hervé GLEVAREC (Head Researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS)
  • Measure of the multiplying effects of social factors in French cultural practices [read more]
    Sylvie PFLIEGER (Lecturer at Université Paris Descartes)

Arts education and cultural mediation : continuity or innovation ?

  • Cultural mediators and cultural democratization at an age of doubt : a triple critical heritage [read more]
    Nathalie MONTOYA (Lecturer at Université Paris Diderot)
  • Between cultural democratization and the preservation of artistic integrity: constructing cultural mediation for contemporary art [read more]
    Marion VIOLLET (PhD in visual arts, contemporary art mediator)

Expanding artistic fields

  • Key players and challenges of cultural democratization: a case study on the French circus (1970 – 2010) [read more]
    Marine CORDIER (Lecturer at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre)
  • Varying access and a myriad of experiences for audience members, toward a reconfiguration of “cultural” practices [read more]
    Sylvia GIREL (Lecturer at Aix-Marseille University)
  • The relationship between the direction de la musique and traditional music and dance organizations: an unfulfilled legitimization process (1970s – 1990s) [read more]
    François GASNAULT (researcher at IIAC-Lahic)
  • Public support for contemporary dance in France: toward a democratization of artistic expectations (1975 – 2010) [read more]
    Patrick GERMAIN-THOMAS (Associate Professor in Sociology and Economy at Novancia)

Cultural institutions and democratization

  • François Mathey’s innovative intiatives for cultural democratization (1953 – 1985) [read more]
    Brigitte GILARDET (PhD in History of contemporary art)
  • Maisons de la Culture, “virtuous” motors for the implementation of cultural democratization [read more]
    Sandrine DUBOUILH (Certified Architect and Professor at Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3)
  • Cultural democratization via public libraries, a concern of the past ? [read more]
    Cécile RABOT (Lecturer at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre)

Territories and democratization

  • Territorial implications of cultural democratization [read more]
    Pierre MOULINIER (correspondent for the Comité d’histoire)
  • Art at its apogee – Culture at its perigee? : when the failure of cultural decentralization fuels the failure of cultural democratization [read more]
    Claude PATRIAT (professor in Political Science at Université de Bourgogne)
  • The social genesis of cultural policy in Brittany: the imposition process of “cultural democratization” (1950 – 1982) [read more]
    Mathilde SEMPE (PhD candidate at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre)

Arts education to the challenge of cultural democratization

  • The uncertainties of arts education: between democratization and generalization [read more]
    Marie-Christine BORDEAUX (lecturer, head of program Masters in scientific communication, Université Stendhal, Grenoble)

History of cultural democratization policies. “Some examples” out of France

  • The cultural democratization experience : Egypt and the Compagnie indépendante El-Warsha [read more]
    Brigitte RÉMER (sociologist, cultural management specialist, consultant in international cultural policy)
  • Cultural democracy : another model for cultural policy [read more]
  • French cultural policy and democratization abroad ? The Institut français du Royaume-Uni post-WWII [read more]
    Charlotte FAUCHER (PhD student in History, Queen Mary University, London)

An international approach to democratization policies

  • The democratization of the book ? UNESCO’s World Book policy, 1945 – 1974 [read more]
    Céline GITON (director of the Chartreuse de Neuville-sous-Montreuil, member of the Lettres européennes network)
  • The Council of Europe and UNESCO in the 1970s : cultural democratization at the heart of a joint mission ? [read more]
    Laurent MARTIN (History professor at Université Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle)

Cultural action and popular education

  • Cultural action and public education [read more]
    Pierre MOULINIER (correspondent for the Comité d’histoire)
  • From the enchanting beginnings during the Liberation, to the start of the 5th République: an examination of public education and cultural action in France [read more]
    Guy SAEZ (research supervisor, CNRS)
  • The impossible integration of the public education movement in cultural action (1970 – 2000) [read more]
    Guy SAEZ
  • The Maisons des jeunes et de la culture (Houses of youth and culture) some other kind of Maisons de la Culture (Houses for Culture) ? Youth and community centres versus Cultural centers in France (1959-1980) [read more]
    Laurent BESSE (lecturer in History at Tours university (IUT)
  • Public education’s third life ? The 1990 – 2000 revival [read more]
    Frédéric CHATEIGNER (lecturer in political science at University Institute of Technology (IUT), Tours)
  • Catherine Trautmann : cultural policy and education [read more]
    Jean-Claude RICHEZ (coordinator of the observation mission during evaluations at the INJEP)

The role of the Internet

  • Internet and the question of democratization [read more]
    Olivier DONNAT (sociologist in the Département des etudes, de la prospective et des statistiques (DEPS) at the Ministry of Culture and Communication)
  • Internet and the audiovisual industry [read more]
    Nathalie SONNAC (professor in Communication and Science of Information at Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)
  • Cultural democratization, digital technologies and the Web : a case study of the publishing industry [read more]
    Christian ROBIN (lecturer in communication and the science of information at Université Paris 13)

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chmc1 (1 janvier 2017). Seminar. History of cultural democratization. Politiques de la culture. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse