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Seminar. Culture and politics in European capitals since 1945 (Berlin, London, Madrid, and Paris)

European capitals – General introduction to the seminar [read more]
Françoise Taliano-Des Garets (CHS du XXe siècle Paris 1)

Paris from 1945 to today : the portrait of a cultural capital. Initial reflections for a further study
[read more]

Laurent Martin (ICEE Paris 3), translated by Madeleine Planeix-Crocker

From a divided city to a capital city : Berlin’s cultural policy frameworks between 1945 and 2015 [read more]
Dr. Janet Merkel, Lecturer in Culture and Creative Industries – City University London – School of Arts and Social Sciences – Department of Sociology – Center for Culture and the Creative Industries

Capitals and their museums [read more]
François Mairesse (université Paris 3)

Museums of Berlin [read more]
Synthesis of the intervention of Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper (Technical University of Berlin) by Laurella Rinçon, Heritage Curator, Ministry of Culture and Communication, translated by Madeleine Planeix-Crocker

John Betjeman, the Euston Arch, and the Fight to Save London’s Industrial Heritage [read more]
Dr Ruth Adams, Senior Lecturer in Cultural & Creative Industries – Department of Culture, Media & Creative Industries – King’s College London

Call of papers [read more]
Conference: June 9th, 2017, Paris, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication

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chmc1 (20 décembre 2016). Seminar. Culture and politics in European capitals since 1945 (Berlin, London, Madrid, and Paris). Politiques de la culture. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse